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Your personal online live tutoring for design

No distractions, no competing students - just you, your goals, and an expert designer.

Personal car design tutoring with professional designer

Just you, your goals, and an expert designer

No distractions, no competing students

Tutor in front of poster wall

Individual curriculum

Based on your needs and goals we can create your personal curricolum and step by step plan how you can get were you want to be.

1 on 1 with professional designer

You will learn directly from an experienced professional designer. No other students only focus on you and your goals

Personalized training

We personalize your training for you so that you can achieve what you want. We can adjust the intensity from beginner to professional and the duration from 3 month to 2 years, everything is possible.

How it works

Send us a request

Just a short message were you describe wat you are looking for. Don't worry anybody can join!

Free onboarding meeting

We find out what you need and decide together the right plan for you. We can even create a personalized curriculum for you.

Personalized Live tutoring starts

Your 100% individualized live tutoring starts including access to all inktank.academy courses.

Got questions?

Check out the most frequently asked questions

How much time does it take?

We can arrange the duration of the tutoring to your needs. Usualy the live tutoring is 30min to 1 hour per week for a minimum of 3 months up to 2 years.

Do you offer discounts on annual plans?

The cost of training varies as it is customized for each individual, with the price being influenced by the intensity of the program. Generally, opting for a longer duration offers more attractive pricing options

I am new to design, is the training right for me?

Thanks to personalized and individualized tutoring, we can accommodate any skill level, whether you're a beginner, a student or a professional.

I only want to learn a specific skill, can I do that here?

We're equipped to teach you any design skill you require. Whether it's CAD modeling, sketching, or any other domain, we'll match you with the perfect tutor.

What happens when I have to skip one week?

Certainly, we can reschedule the tutoring session to a different day or extend it at the end of the currently scheduled period.

Can I get help to make a portfolio?

Absolutely, we're here to assist you in building your portfolio for your upcoming endeavors. Whether your goal is to secure a spot at a school or university, land an internship, or find a job, we've got you covered.

Didn't find the answer? Contact us here